PhD Short-term Visiting Student Programme

Danmarks Nationalbank invites applications for PhD students wishing to be hosted by the Research Unit and currently conducting their research in one of the areas of interest to the bank within Economics or Finance. The fellowships offer support for 6 to 12 months. The fellowship includes: An office space for…

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PhD resident student programme

PhD fellows will be mentored by the academic advisors in the PhD programme at the University where they are enrolled. They must be physically present at Danmarks Nationalbank on a regular basis during the week, participate in the professional and social environment, be integrated in the activities of the Research…

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Praktikplads med fokus på borgere på kanten af arbejdsmarkedet

Interesserer du dig for beskæftigelsespolitik? Vil du indgå i et projektteam, der hver dag arbejder med at opbygge viden og videreudvikle beskæftigelsesindsatsen for borgere på kanten af arbejdsmarkedet – i tæt samarbejde med både forskere og kommunale praktikere? Så har vi en spændende praktikplads i Kontoret for Arbejdsmarkedsfastholdelse. Se hele…

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